Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Growing in Faith

I have read posts on facebook lately about many people struggling in life.  I can't agree more.  Life can be very difficult at times.  As I also struggle here in Nicaragua to do God's will and live a life that will honor and glorify Him, I look to the Lord for help.  It is always one thing to talk about letting God take care of us and trusting Him with all our needs, it is quite another to actually do it.  I have memorized and understand Hebrews 13:5 which says Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you, but taking that extra step to put my faith in Him has been such a big struggle.  I know the bible says count ourselves blessed to be persecuted but since I have lived in the states the majority of my life, persecution hasn't really been a big part of my christian walk.  As I talk with the local pastors here and see and learn how they live and what they experience, I know their faith is stronger.  The spirit world forces them to either sink or swim.  Without faith they would sink and therefore as they swim their faith grows deep.  The persecution and evil they believe in and experience creates a life of daily faith in God.  Poverty and uncertainty of the future create a daily faith in God.  I have never had to wonder if I will eat again today or whether I will have food for tomorrow.  I don't always rely on God to provide for my needs because I have been able to go to the grocery store if I needed food.  It's not that I don't want to have a deep faith in God, it is just that without trials, persecution, and difficulties in life, my faith doesn't grow.  Reading the bible, praying, singing, going to church, they are all wonderful activities but their main purpose is to educate us about God, not really instill in us a deeper faith.  My prayer today is that God will enlarge my territory and protect me from harm but also to deepen my faith in Him so that I can count myself blessed.  My prayer for our family and friends in the states and around the world is for God to lift each one up and be the Great Comforter to all.

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