Monday, October 12, 2009

what a week ahead

If looks like we are finally starting to run down here. We spent the morning at a school supported by Compassion International and there were approximately 100 children. The afternoon has about 200 children. And on saturday they have a different group of children as well. The younger children meet monday through wednesday from 8:30-10:30 and the afternoon children meet from 2:30-4:30. The Saturday class is for older kids and they teach them a vocation. They have asked me to teach the kids on whatever I feel like teaching them. I am excited and overwhelmed all at the same time. I am not a teacher by degree so this will be interesting. I do know I will have to completely rely on God to help me plan and create the programs to teach the children. If any of you teachers out there have suggestions for teaching children with a completely open lesson plan I would love to hear some ideas. We are planning to spend the rest of the school days at the school this week. I think it will be a good place for the kids to make friends and learn some spanish. God is continuing to provide for all our needs and we are learning to be patient.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome Vanessa! God is gifting you to do His work! You ARE a teacher and you'll do great! God is teaching through you! :)
