Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Day of Rest

Today has been a wonderful day so far and it isn't even over. We have shared Bible stories with many children, listened to teaching from John and I have been amazed at how his preaching has improved over the past 2 years. The last time I heard him preach was Dec. of 2007. God is definitely doing a good work in John. I was able to teach and play with over 25 kids this morning. We did the story from John 6 on the feeding of the 5000. We went pretend fishing and memorized John 6:48. I decided since the lesson was about bread and fish I would share a snack of bread. I think it went well. After the service the two ladies in charge of children's ministry and teaching and the pastor of the church asked if I would be interested in helping with the compassion project they run during the week and if I would do some training for the teachers. There are 12 teachers in all I will be working with. I am very excited about what God is doing down here and am also very grateful God has found we worthy to be apart of it. I am humbled to think that I could contribute to a program that is already so amazing. This church from the little we know of it has outreach programs going on regularly. The bullentin board was just full of different opportunities the people in the area can be apart of. They are having a festival of some sort on the 18th of this month and are planning to give out food and clothing and play games and do all sorts of other things I couldn't understand because they were written in spanish. I will be praying God will use us to help them with all their outreach programs. They were very welcoming and friendly. In about 1 hour we have been invited to visit another church with one of the interpreters so we will head to another church. I am excited to see what this one is all about. I get the picture down here that each church really has it's own unique way of working. I guess that is similar to the states but in other ways is quite different. Continuing to look forward to going to school in the morning and spending time with the children. God is good!! Amen y Amen

1 comment:

  1. YES - God is good! And you are being obedient! You are in our prayers of protection, guidance and strength! How did all of John's speaking/preaching go??? It sounds as though he was off to a great start on Sunday :) God is smiling upon your family! :)
