Friday, February 26, 2010

May the little children come....

Well, it was a successful day yesterday.  We provided food for three families in great need.  I had Katie take pictures and will be posting them as soon as I figure out how. 
I was disappointed to find out the doctors have decided not to do the surgery for Eliazer.  They have other children in greater need.  I don't really understand how they can say that when his brain is being damaged everyday they leave it the way it is.  We are hoping they will choose a new date today for the surgery but they are just not in any hurry to do anything about this little boy.  For those of you who have not caught the earlier information about Eliazer, he is 4 months old, has hydrocephalis, a closed fontanelle, a detached retina and no tear duct in his one eye.  We have been working to get his surgery for over a month now and they just keep putting it off.  I don't think they realize what is going to happen if they don't do it soon.  If anyone in the states ever thinks socialized medicine would be better because it is free they are very wrong.  Send me their email and I can tell them story after story after story about children who badly needed surgery and have not received it yet because of the system and the way it is set up. 
I am excited and sad today if that is possible.  I have to say good-bye to Katie and Kyle today because they are returning to the states.  However, my mother has decided to join us for 10 days down in the hot beautiful sunshine.  Sydney in particular is very happy about this.  I don't think she realizes she will no longer be able to play with Katie.  It has been such a blessing and joy to have Katie here with us these last few weeks.  She has been able to translate thank you letters from children and organize medical supplies and it has warmed by heart to see her just enjoy and play with the children down here.  There were many children last night at church that asked Katie not to leave and really wanted her to stay.  I pray that God will bring her back here some day to stay for a long time.  May God richly bless her life for her willingness to serve.

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