Yesterday was a happy and sad day all wrapped into one. We were able to get Katie and Kyle off safely to the airport and heading to the United States. There were several tears and I had to do a lot of praying and trusting that the Lord will be with them as they return to the states without me. I did however have a wonderful time picking up my mother. She has decided to spend several days with us and it was just very good to see her again after so many months. As she gave me another set of sheets for our bed, I smelt them and realized how much I really did miss her. Isn't it funny how we can live without something for so long and then all of a sudden realize how deeply one can be missed. Anyway, we are enjoying each others company for a few days.
Sierra and Caleb have an opportunity to dance with other church members this Sunday and we are excited they allowed us to participate in the program. I wasn't sure Caleb would really do it but he even has a smile on stage which warms my heart.
Lots of prayers and guidance is needed for making decisions regarding Eliazer. They went ahead and did some kind of surgery yesterday but from what I understand it won't fix the closed fontanelle problem. We will have to wait a few days to see what exactly they did to him and how it will affect the situation before we can move further. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for this situation and I will continue to post updates regarding his condition as I become aware of them.
I also would like to thank everyone that has been praying for John while he is in the states. There are so many doors opening for him and we are really seeing God work. Thank you very much.
We are blogging to keep in touch with family and friends while on missions. This blog will keep you informed of all the exciting stories, adventures and praises we have to share while in Nicaragua. May God receive all the glory.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
May the little children come....
Well, it was a successful day yesterday. We provided food for three families in great need. I had Katie take pictures and will be posting them as soon as I figure out how.
I was disappointed to find out the doctors have decided not to do the surgery for Eliazer. They have other children in greater need. I don't really understand how they can say that when his brain is being damaged everyday they leave it the way it is. We are hoping they will choose a new date today for the surgery but they are just not in any hurry to do anything about this little boy. For those of you who have not caught the earlier information about Eliazer, he is 4 months old, has hydrocephalis, a closed fontanelle, a detached retina and no tear duct in his one eye. We have been working to get his surgery for over a month now and they just keep putting it off. I don't think they realize what is going to happen if they don't do it soon. If anyone in the states ever thinks socialized medicine would be better because it is free they are very wrong. Send me their email and I can tell them story after story after story about children who badly needed surgery and have not received it yet because of the system and the way it is set up.
I am excited and sad today if that is possible. I have to say good-bye to Katie and Kyle today because they are returning to the states. However, my mother has decided to join us for 10 days down in the hot beautiful sunshine. Sydney in particular is very happy about this. I don't think she realizes she will no longer be able to play with Katie. It has been such a blessing and joy to have Katie here with us these last few weeks. She has been able to translate thank you letters from children and organize medical supplies and it has warmed by heart to see her just enjoy and play with the children down here. There were many children last night at church that asked Katie not to leave and really wanted her to stay. I pray that God will bring her back here some day to stay for a long time. May God richly bless her life for her willingness to serve.
I was disappointed to find out the doctors have decided not to do the surgery for Eliazer. They have other children in greater need. I don't really understand how they can say that when his brain is being damaged everyday they leave it the way it is. We are hoping they will choose a new date today for the surgery but they are just not in any hurry to do anything about this little boy. For those of you who have not caught the earlier information about Eliazer, he is 4 months old, has hydrocephalis, a closed fontanelle, a detached retina and no tear duct in his one eye. We have been working to get his surgery for over a month now and they just keep putting it off. I don't think they realize what is going to happen if they don't do it soon. If anyone in the states ever thinks socialized medicine would be better because it is free they are very wrong. Send me their email and I can tell them story after story after story about children who badly needed surgery and have not received it yet because of the system and the way it is set up.
I am excited and sad today if that is possible. I have to say good-bye to Katie and Kyle today because they are returning to the states. However, my mother has decided to join us for 10 days down in the hot beautiful sunshine. Sydney in particular is very happy about this. I don't think she realizes she will no longer be able to play with Katie. It has been such a blessing and joy to have Katie here with us these last few weeks. She has been able to translate thank you letters from children and organize medical supplies and it has warmed by heart to see her just enjoy and play with the children down here. There were many children last night at church that asked Katie not to leave and really wanted her to stay. I pray that God will bring her back here some day to stay for a long time. May God richly bless her life for her willingness to serve.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Children are a gift from God
Wow what another week we have been through. Yesterday was so heart wrenching. We were helping distrubute backpacks for the children who need to go to school. Some of the children were living at the dump in La Paz Centro. I specifically noticed a mother with three children. Her youngest child was maybe just under 1 year old. He was hungry and wanted some milk from the mother. She was unable to provide for him. I couldn't stand it. He was crying because he was so very hungry and the mother could do nothing about it. Later in the evening I saw another little girl about the size of a new born here in the states. She was probably 3 years old with a stomach as small as a new born baby. Her legs couldn't have been bigger around than a large carrot. She was so incredibly skinny and had trouble walking properly. I wanted to take them home and feed them for the rest of their lives. Some days are easy. Yesterday was not.
The kids and I spend the evening talking about these two families and did a few calculations. It would cost us about 40$ to feed these two families each week with rice,beans,onions, peppers, oil and maybe a carrot or two. I think we are going to just add it to our budget. Maybe even add 100.00 to our budget and try to find a few more families to add to the list. I know God sees these children and loves them very much and since we are here we need to do all we can to help ease the burden in their lives.
We also had a gentlemen come to our house yesterday and ask for food. I gave him what we had and asked him to come back on saturday with his family and wife. He said he has three children. I will take pictures and post if he shows up again. It is so hard to see how difficult it is to find food for these children.
We are also planning on bringing food to Martha and David. They are the family that we have been trying to help but it is very slow. We continue to pray for the mother and hope she will be willing to have surgery sometime this year. We also pray that God will open the door for us to help the children during the day with food and health issues so they can heal from the problems they have. Please join us in this prayer because where two or more are gathered so is the Holy Spirit.
The kids and I spend the evening talking about these two families and did a few calculations. It would cost us about 40$ to feed these two families each week with rice,beans,onions, peppers, oil and maybe a carrot or two. I think we are going to just add it to our budget. Maybe even add 100.00 to our budget and try to find a few more families to add to the list. I know God sees these children and loves them very much and since we are here we need to do all we can to help ease the burden in their lives.
We also had a gentlemen come to our house yesterday and ask for food. I gave him what we had and asked him to come back on saturday with his family and wife. He said he has three children. I will take pictures and post if he shows up again. It is so hard to see how difficult it is to find food for these children.
We are also planning on bringing food to Martha and David. They are the family that we have been trying to help but it is very slow. We continue to pray for the mother and hope she will be willing to have surgery sometime this year. We also pray that God will open the door for us to help the children during the day with food and health issues so they can heal from the problems they have. Please join us in this prayer because where two or more are gathered so is the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Much belated update
Wow, time really flies down here. I was checking my blog files and realized I haven't blog for quite some time. The days are filled with so many activities and before I know it the day is over and I am exhausted and ready for bed. There doesn't seem to be much time to blog but knowing I am connecting with many friends in the states and allowing them to understand what we are doing continues to encourage me to keep at the blogging process. So that being said here comes an update for the last several days.
We have been enjoying the company of one of our close friends this last week and a half. She came down here the day after she passed her boards to become a licensed nurse. She also has much interest in doing mission work down here in that capacity. We continue to pray God will open the door for her down here to work with us and the children in need of medical care.
We continue to increase the work we are doing in La Paz. The members of the church have asked that I teach them conversational english so two weeks ago I started teaching at the church. I have about 20 students ranging in age from 8 to adult. We have plenty of fun and lots of laugh because I really can't help them associate an english word with a spanish word because I don't know enough spanish yet. It has been a challenge to figure out how to explain things to them in english when they don't understand very much of it.
We have also enjoyed Mrs. Raye Morgan coming down for a few weeks. She is in charge of the ministry Hearts to God and Hands to Work. Their ministry also works in La Paz and helps Lenin and Sarah with their church. We have been delighted with the invitation from Mrs. Raye to join them in working out in La Paz. Many exciting events and activites have been happening for that ministry. This past week they purchased land out in La Paz that will help the community in so many different ways. Lenin and Sarah will have a house built for them because they ministry in La Paz but currently live in Leon and the drive is about 30 minutes one way. The ministry is also planning on starting a garden for the community to help with. They will be planting vegetables of every kind and several more fruit trees on the property for the community to help grow. If the community helps with this project they will also be able to benefit from the produce that is grown out there. Mrs. Raye is also planning on building a mission house for the teams that come down and work in La Paz. It will be such a blessing for them to be able to live in the community in which they work. The people in La Paz are so welcoming of them and really have a great need in the community. We have been so excited to see how God is really working there. We continue to pray God's blessing on the ministry.
On another note, some may have been following the story of Eliazer these last two months. He is a little boy aged 4 months old now with several medical problems. The problems were discovered during one of the medical teams. We have been helping Eliazer to try and get to the right doctors so they can do corrective surgery on his fontanelle and in the process have discovered he has several other problems. The latest information we have found is as follows: He now has been diagnosed with hydrocephalis as well as a closed fontanelle, additionally we think from the CAT scan he is also unable to see out of one of his eyes because he has a detached retina and no tear duct has grown in that eye as well. There appears to be no real fix for his eye but they are planning on doing some sort of surgery on thursday of this week at 5:00. I will continue to get more information and of course post anything new regarding his situation as soon as I find something out. My heart just breaks for Eliazer. So many of his medical problems could have been avoided if his mother had been able to have proper medical care while he was inside her. There are so many children down here in the same situation. For example, we have been getting better acquainted with another mother how is currently carrying a child as well. She was told two weeks ago the baby has an irregular heart beat and was encouraged just to go home and rest more. That was the solution to the problem. It might turn out just fine but without proper medical care it could also turn out terribly. There is such a great need for doctors down here and certainly a better medical system to help these young mothers carry the babies full term and have them start out life healthy.
Another family we have been working with I want to give you an update on: David and Martha some of you know are in great need. Martha needs surgery and the babies have been diagnosed with scabies and mal nutrition. We visited them last week and found they have moved to a different location and the babies although they were improving from the scabies are not completely healed yet and they should be. David and Martha say they will continue to treat the children for the bug but because they no longer live close to the church there is no one that can help them look after the kids and they are on their own now. When we visited their "house" little Martha the three year old was just screaming her little heart out because she was so afraid. My heart continues to break for them and since they have moved away our hands are tied with what we can do to help. Martha is not planning on having surgery and continues to bleed. She refuses. What can we do when someone doesn't want to get better. God will have to intervene in this situation because we have done everything within human possibility to make it better and are no longer able to do anything more. Please join us in praying for these families and ministries in La Paz. We need several miracles in the next few days and weeks for these situations to improve. May God receive all the glory and may we all know that what ever happens God has a purpose and plan for each of these peoples lives.
We have been enjoying the company of one of our close friends this last week and a half. She came down here the day after she passed her boards to become a licensed nurse. She also has much interest in doing mission work down here in that capacity. We continue to pray God will open the door for her down here to work with us and the children in need of medical care.
We continue to increase the work we are doing in La Paz. The members of the church have asked that I teach them conversational english so two weeks ago I started teaching at the church. I have about 20 students ranging in age from 8 to adult. We have plenty of fun and lots of laugh because I really can't help them associate an english word with a spanish word because I don't know enough spanish yet. It has been a challenge to figure out how to explain things to them in english when they don't understand very much of it.
We have also enjoyed Mrs. Raye Morgan coming down for a few weeks. She is in charge of the ministry Hearts to God and Hands to Work. Their ministry also works in La Paz and helps Lenin and Sarah with their church. We have been delighted with the invitation from Mrs. Raye to join them in working out in La Paz. Many exciting events and activites have been happening for that ministry. This past week they purchased land out in La Paz that will help the community in so many different ways. Lenin and Sarah will have a house built for them because they ministry in La Paz but currently live in Leon and the drive is about 30 minutes one way. The ministry is also planning on starting a garden for the community to help with. They will be planting vegetables of every kind and several more fruit trees on the property for the community to help grow. If the community helps with this project they will also be able to benefit from the produce that is grown out there. Mrs. Raye is also planning on building a mission house for the teams that come down and work in La Paz. It will be such a blessing for them to be able to live in the community in which they work. The people in La Paz are so welcoming of them and really have a great need in the community. We have been so excited to see how God is really working there. We continue to pray God's blessing on the ministry.
On another note, some may have been following the story of Eliazer these last two months. He is a little boy aged 4 months old now with several medical problems. The problems were discovered during one of the medical teams. We have been helping Eliazer to try and get to the right doctors so they can do corrective surgery on his fontanelle and in the process have discovered he has several other problems. The latest information we have found is as follows: He now has been diagnosed with hydrocephalis as well as a closed fontanelle, additionally we think from the CAT scan he is also unable to see out of one of his eyes because he has a detached retina and no tear duct has grown in that eye as well. There appears to be no real fix for his eye but they are planning on doing some sort of surgery on thursday of this week at 5:00. I will continue to get more information and of course post anything new regarding his situation as soon as I find something out. My heart just breaks for Eliazer. So many of his medical problems could have been avoided if his mother had been able to have proper medical care while he was inside her. There are so many children down here in the same situation. For example, we have been getting better acquainted with another mother how is currently carrying a child as well. She was told two weeks ago the baby has an irregular heart beat and was encouraged just to go home and rest more. That was the solution to the problem. It might turn out just fine but without proper medical care it could also turn out terribly. There is such a great need for doctors down here and certainly a better medical system to help these young mothers carry the babies full term and have them start out life healthy.
Another family we have been working with I want to give you an update on: David and Martha some of you know are in great need. Martha needs surgery and the babies have been diagnosed with scabies and mal nutrition. We visited them last week and found they have moved to a different location and the babies although they were improving from the scabies are not completely healed yet and they should be. David and Martha say they will continue to treat the children for the bug but because they no longer live close to the church there is no one that can help them look after the kids and they are on their own now. When we visited their "house" little Martha the three year old was just screaming her little heart out because she was so afraid. My heart continues to break for them and since they have moved away our hands are tied with what we can do to help. Martha is not planning on having surgery and continues to bleed. She refuses. What can we do when someone doesn't want to get better. God will have to intervene in this situation because we have done everything within human possibility to make it better and are no longer able to do anything more. Please join us in praying for these families and ministries in La Paz. We need several miracles in the next few days and weeks for these situations to improve. May God receive all the glory and may we all know that what ever happens God has a purpose and plan for each of these peoples lives.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Open doors!
Sometimes when God closes a window He opens a door. We just spent an amazing morning preparing and feeding about 130 children living in La Paz. We even were able to feed one of the teachers because she picks her students up at the feeding center and walks with them to school. How cool is that! I found out they feed these kids every day of the week and it is something different each day. I'm not saying it is tons of food but it was certainly enough for one meal. We have been so blessed to work with Lenin and Sarah from the church in La Paz. They have invited us to do so many different ministry opportunities with them. I am grateful to God for all He has placed in front of us to enjoy and be a part of. We have not been able to return to the Compassion school since last December and some days it is hard. I would like to continue growing those friendships with the teachers and with the kids. Perhaps God will work it out so we can do both. As I look forward to the future, I pray that God will continue to open the door in La Paz. There are so many children's opportunities for us there and right now we are in Leon. We need to have a very clear path to move to La Paz and I am not sure if we have it yet. I pray that God will guide both John and I to the same conclusion of where we are to minister down here in Nicaragua.
Monday, February 8, 2010
We have spent a wonderful 2 days enjoying the beach. We don't do it often but with Katie here for a few weeks we thought it would be a good idea to say hi to the ocean. I am always amazed at how God created everything. The sun setting over the horizon, the ocean sharing so many treasures from the sea and how strong the water is to take and give the sand back. Each time we have come the geographical area of sand and rocks has changed. It reminds me of the verse about God giving and taking away. I'm not sure where it is found in the Bible, but it is just like the ocean giving sand and taking it away. I feel refreshed and ready for some new ministry options and have a renewed excitement to see what the Lord has in store for us down here in Nicaragua.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Life is short! In memory of Mario
As I sit here and reflect on life, I am humbled and made to understand that life truly is very short. The Lord God only gave us a small amount of time here to make a difference. We don't know when or how our life will end and taking our life and putting it in God's hands is difficult. Our family mourns today the loss of an 11 year old boy that was the son of the pastor of the church we minister at. He was only 11. His life had just begun. He rode his bike, enjoyed life, played baseball and shared in the ministry of his father on earth and His heavenly father. I never saw him without a smile. I am sure his smile touched many lives. The memory of Mario will be carried on in the work of his father and family and the church, but our hearts will forever be changed by him.
I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to pray for the family and many, many friends that will be hurting for some time to come. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to think about your own life and what you have been doing to further the kingdom of God. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to consider doing more for God. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to reach out to that person you have been avoiding and make it right. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to make things right in your relationships with others and with God. We don't know when our time will come to an end and if we wait too long and don't do what is right, we will miss out on what God has planned for us.
My heart breaks tonight as I remember and look at pictures of Mario. May God reach out to everyone hurting tonight and give comfort and healing to those Mario left behind. To God be the Glory!
I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to pray for the family and many, many friends that will be hurting for some time to come. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to think about your own life and what you have been doing to further the kingdom of God. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to consider doing more for God. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to reach out to that person you have been avoiding and make it right. I would encourage you, as you read this blog, to make things right in your relationships with others and with God. We don't know when our time will come to an end and if we wait too long and don't do what is right, we will miss out on what God has planned for us.
My heart breaks tonight as I remember and look at pictures of Mario. May God reach out to everyone hurting tonight and give comfort and healing to those Mario left behind. To God be the Glory!
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